Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To You, the Dance and a Magnificent Future

Happy Wednesday Leading Ladies!

As you may have noticed, August has been one busy month (I’m just getting a chance to post here and our beloved “Fit To Play Wednesday” coach, Debra, has taken some well deserved time off too). I’m sure you have also found that work, life and hopefully a good dose of play, have made August simply dance by for you as well. I hope you are having the time of your life and making every day, every minute count!

I’m sending ever so much love your way!

Here are my current musings/offerings for today’s post

It’s going to be a rather hot one here in Salem Oregon today (mid 90’s), but now that we have our blessed heat pump/air conditioner installed, I’m looking forward to only being in the heat when I want to be today…what a wonderful thought!

As I consider this, I am reminded of other aspects of our lives where we have the power to invest in changes that allow us to minimize or eliminate the possibility of encountering situations we don’t like or want in our lives. In coaching these things are called “tolerations” (as many of you, particularly my coaching clients, know already).

The parallel is a simple one. In this case, my Hubby and I made a decision to invest in our home’s new capacity for heating and cooling (and not a small investment), which now affords me a magnificent work and living environment (while offering me a choice to bask in the sun and heat when I wish as well). In the same way, we each have opportunities to look around our lives right now and consider what we either want, or no longer want, present in our environment, practices or experiences. “

In this light I offer the following questions and challenges for your consideration…

What are you currently “tolerating?”
(For now just think of one thing/issue situation)

What do you want to experience?

What will it take to get there?
(What do you need to do, stop doing, or do differently to insure the result you’re looking for?)

Once you’ve answered these questions, you are equipped with the tools you need to begin the investment in your most perfect future. Begin investing/taking action today and fill your world with opportunities, choices, freedom and abundance! It’s your magnificent future in the making spectacular Leading Lady—why not make it expansive and beautiful beyond your wildest imaginations?

Here’s to you and the precious gift you are to yourself, to me and to all who have the privilege of being in your life!

Love and abundance to you!

Coach Angel