Thursday, December 4, 2008

Leading Ladies want to know: Are you a committed blogger?

Hello Incredible Leading Ladies!

These blogs are crazy things—they seem like such a great way to communicate and stay connected with those you care about and yet the simple task of getting posts up regularly is one that seems utterly elusive to some of us. I have this friend that has that very problem…
OK I admit, that would be me! (As you see my last post was back in July of this year—sheesh!

I do know this is an issue for lots of people though, business and personal blogs alike.

So, Leading Ladies, this post is a shout out—a query to those of you who have a blog and regularly make the time to post on it.

Tell us your secrets. Share your expertise. Your Leading Ladies family would love to know…

What got you interested in blogging and what has kept you interested in and committed to blogging on a regular basis? Do you have any wonderful ideas or tricks of the trade to share?

We’re dying to know!

And don’t forget to tell us the name of your blog and the URL.

Please feel free to simply post your response here or you’re welcome to email me at and I would be happy to compile ideas and post here as one blog.

Can’t wait to tap into your fabulous expertise!

Hope you all enjoyed this month's E-zine with the amazing offer from LLL's Music man! All three of Gne Newton's inspiring music CD's for only $20! If you missed it or are just finding Leading Ladies for the first time, please feel free to email me with the words "Please send me LLL's December E-zine and I'll be sure you get it. This offer is valid now through Jan. 31, 2009 and is only available via the Leading Ladies E-zine.

I hope you each had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Here is a great quote as inspiration for sharing your knowledge with us and continuing to share it where ever your path may lead…

"Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality."
Dalai Lama

With love,
Coach Angel

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm That Into You

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies!

Seriously! It's true! I am totally that into you!

So here’s the deal…July’s Leading Ladies E-zine is being sent out tomorrow morning, for those who are subscribed (if you’re not, it’s totally FREE, so head on over to and get your lovely self signed up).

This month I have some very important questions for you and it will help determine the direction of future publications. So please take the time to read and respond—that’s the only way I can truly bring you all the support, encouragement, resources and Leading Ladies love you so deserve.

And if you have experienced the gift of someone else’s kindness anytime recently, remember to show gratitude, treasure it and most importantly remember…

"The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on."
– Julia Alvarez

Sending and surrounding you each with heaps of kindness and love-

Coach Angel

Friday, May 9, 2008

Here's to Moms, Sisters, Girl Friends and Women everywhere

Happy Friday Incredible Leading Ladies!

Even though it’s been a crazy long time since I wrote on this blog, I’ve been simply enjoying coaching/knowing several of you, getting to work alongside others, speaking/training in your organizations or conferences, and thinking about the rest of you with much love.

As I wrap up my work for this week I am mindful of the day we are about to celebrate this Sunday and I am basking in the gratitude I feel towards so many incredible women.

If you happen across this blog today, this weekend, or anytime at all, I hope you will join me in a heart-felt “Thank You!” to Mom’s, sisters, friends and women everywhere who have blessed our lives beyond measure.

If you haven’t read it already, or even if you read it a while back when I published it, I invite you to get even more in the spirit by slipping over to the “Reading Room scroll down, and click on: Magnificent Women- A Mother’s Day Tribute.

For now and in gratitude to each of you, I leave you with these beautiful thoughts:

“My mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.”
- Graycie Harmon

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.””
- Washington Irving

With love,
Coach Angel

Friday, January 18, 2008

Are you "Fit To Play?"

Hello My Friends: Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach Here!

(Angel is posting for me this time as I can’t seem to get into my log-in screen. We’ll figure that out, but for today she’s agreed to get my post up and out to all of you.)

It’s been a while my friends, but I’m back and ready to share about a great way to begin thinking and taking action around your play/fitness life…

Believe it or not, I like starting my mornings playing a difficult game of Sudoku. I have a Sudoku block set up in my computer on Excel. I fill in the numbers given from a Sudoku book, highlight them in red, hit the save button, and then take off filling in the empty boxes with all the possible variables in black. Once I have all the variables, then I can see the big picture. The picture though is like the phrase, “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” The answers are there but not directly visible.

So I take the next step. Within that big picture, I can see the “sets” that allow me to eliminate numbers in each square. Often the sets are not that obvious and that’s when I need to study the picture again and make amendments, sometimes even guess. There is hard work in dealing with some of the variables. Though they are in the big picture, they just don’t make sense.

However, perseverance always pays off for me. Once several squares have received the right number, the puzzles becomes a game of dominos. Everything just falls into place.
I follow the same regime every time I play Sudoku and I never walk away from the game without winning.

I can imagine many of you get tired of New Year’s resolution ads and the pressure of setting a resolution. I don’t because I don’t bother with them. I realized long ago when a change needed to happen; I needed to set the plan right then and there. What I have learned is, once the plan is in place, it’s like the game of Sudoku. All the variables need to be filled in to get the big picture to appear, and once the variables are tackled, one by one, the plan falls in place like dominos.

It’s the hard work of dealing with variables that can cause one to detour from the plan. Sticking to a weight loss program or a fitness program requires perseverance and the knowledge that once you get passed a certain point… it will fall in place like dominos.

Perseverance and knowledge towards a well set plan are the keys to winning a game.

So keep playing a winning game!

Debra Seeck
Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach