Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm That Into You

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies!

Seriously! It's true! I am totally that into you!

So here’s the deal…July’s Leading Ladies E-zine is being sent out tomorrow morning, for those who are subscribed (if you’re not, it’s totally FREE, so head on over to and get your lovely self signed up).

This month I have some very important questions for you and it will help determine the direction of future publications. So please take the time to read and respond—that’s the only way I can truly bring you all the support, encouragement, resources and Leading Ladies love you so deserve.

And if you have experienced the gift of someone else’s kindness anytime recently, remember to show gratitude, treasure it and most importantly remember…

"The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on."
– Julia Alvarez

Sending and surrounding you each with heaps of kindness and love-

Coach Angel