Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fit To Play

Excerpt from “Play in Unison” by Debra Seeck

“The breathe. The pulse. The heart beat….Body rhythms.

We were all born to dance.”

I was fortunate to be born into a Midwest German farm community where dancing was just part of the culture. Okay, yes, it was Polka music and dancing. But, we danced, all 600 of us. The only qualification was you must be at a walking age to be on the dance floor. I was probably three. I remember my first “dance” was being able to run across the wooden dance floor and slide without running into a couple dancing the Two-step, the Waltz, the Foxtrot or the Polka. Actually, I stayed out of the way when the Polka was danced. It was faster and my timing was usually a bit off. A collision with a German couple dancing was unacceptable and had unpleasant consequences, “Don’t Ya Know!”

The Polka band accordion player had a lisp. My sister and I, along with my dad, still try to talk like him. Oh, it is so not right to mock him. The reality is we loved him. He was the one who kept our family dancing and together. He sang his heart out; he did, while playing the piano note accordion to the ohm-pa-pa of the drum beat behind him. His music generated the movement on the dance floor. And, it was beautiful.”

There, I’ve told you a little bit about me. But there is so much more to being a farm girl. I had the fortune as a child of playing Tag in the barn and Hide & Go Seek at night with my siblings and cousins. And, of course, we spent hours running to catch the fireflies to make our “bug lantern.”

Childhood games! Lucky for me, the games haven’t ended. At the age of 50, I still play Tag and Hide & Go Seek. The giggles are the most precious of the games.

So, how about you? Do you still play Tag and Hide & Go Seek? When was the last time those of you in the Midwest made a “bug lantern?” Imagine organizing an adult outing of any one of those games. The fun could be immense…just as immense as the energy exertion… but without the structure and the doldrums of a formal workout. Give it a go! The Adult Recess – plan one today!

Debra Seeck

For a full copy of "Play in Unison" send a request to me.

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