Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Creating Our Own Reality
Well, it’s another sunny day here in Salem Oregon and I’m delighted to say that we are currently having a new water heater and heat pump/air conditioning installed…it will be all done by tomorrow evening and we can’t wait to fire up the AC and get our house the fabulous 68 degrees that my Hubby and I both love.
For now, the sounds of our work crew and the unexpected/additional noise of work crews/heavy machinery out front replacing the sewer pipes all down our street is well…let’s just say…less than peaceful.
So as I work in my home office today, I am constantly mindful of my own power to create my reality. My natural response to this noise and chaos is stress and anxiety but my conscious, purposeful choice is to breathe deeply, smile and work in gratitude—knowing that each of these seeming distractions will be gifting me with more reliable plumbing/sewage disposal (in fact this will be true for my neighbors as well), more efficient means of heating our water, more efficient heating of our home in the winter and the blessed cool of the AC! Awe, that drill running right outside my office right now is simply music to my ears.
Challenge/gift of the day:
As you sit reading this blog, I challenge you to take note of your current environment and note your natural response to the variables that are taking place around you. If your responses are all positive than bask in the glory of being in such a beautiful space. If you have natural negative responses to any aspects of your surrounding, I challenge you to find the gift in them by exploring...
Is the variable something
* You can change?
If so, this is a gift because you are now very aware of the fact that it’s something you don’t like and you have the power to change it. When would you like to make this change? Schedule the time and make it so my friend.
* You can appreciate the need/value of?
If so, this is a wonderful time to take note of the reasons you appreciate this aspect of your environment. What does it now, or will it in time, gift you? How fabulous is that?!
* You don’t care to or can’t change?
If so, this is a perfect time to begin a practice of “allowing” this to be what it is and bask in the gratitude you have for all of the other aspects of your environment, situation and life.
In this spirit of loving what is and creating our most beloved reality I leave you with this thought.
“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” - John Lubbock
With love,
Coach Angel
Fit to Play: Back in the Saddle
I did something yesterday I have avoided for over ten (10) years. I went for a bicycle ride. Avoid may be the wrong word. I didn't bicycle by intention. In 1986 and in 1994, I collided with a car while riding my bicycle. On both occasions, the driver of the vehicle failed to see me and turned in front of me, crossing my lane and too close for me to stop in advance. Without getting into further details, I felt blessed that I survived through both, the second relatively unscathed. However, I decided I didn't want to experience "third time's a charm," so I stayed off my bike.
Recently, I was reunited with an old work associate. Yesterday, she invited me on a bicycle ride and said, "Don't worry, there are no cars where we're riding." I decided to trust her (and she was mostly right - very few cars). To my amazement, we rode 30 miles! Out of the block, I rode 30 miles!
I accredit the physical capabilities that got me through those 30 miles to the love of play and dance. I do not participate in a regimented exercise program. I do not belong to a gym. I simply play and dance (which to me is play, too). Some source of play usually happens every other day for me; a walk, jumping on my pogoball, playing tag with the neighbor kids, dancing, hiking, creek swimming, stretching while watching "So You Think You Can Dance," and dancing again.
There is one confession, though. No other play affected my behind like the seat of my bike did!!! OUCH! It was great being "back in the saddle," and I'll be there again soon.
Play, love, dance, live, and do it all again!
Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Fit to Play: "Cross Training for the 20th Century"
I knew that. I recently had a wonderful friend, Johnny, visit me from Lafayette, Louisiana. He's an active person and stays fit. I took him on a grand tour of Oregon where elevation gain is inevitable. We hiked to the top of Multnomah Falls, the 2nd tallest waterfall in the United States. We climbed sand hill in Pacific City. One step up is a half step backwards. We went creek hiking in the middle fork of the Santiam River where the water is cold, the rocks are hard and the current is swift. And, we danced for hours.
He wrote to me upon his return home claiming he was exhausted, his calves were aching but he was so happy that he pushed himself because it was "sooo much fun." This is one of the best testimonials to the benefits of play. Johnny and I connected with our environment through play. We participated in different activities, ones that were adventurous and took Johnny out of his comfort zone . We played hard and loved every minute of it.
We were cross training without even knowing it. Our activities were so much fun, we didn't care how exhausted we were at the end of the day. And, we were never bored. Johnny said he'd remember this trip for a long time. So will I.
What is your cross training plan? Go out and play!
Debra Seeck
Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Fit to Play: "We Don't Live in a World By Ourselves."
Human beings are social animals. Interaction with others is important to our disposition; our physical and emotional well being. The lack of human interaction can cause an imbalance in our lives.
I recently listened to an interview of two famous dancers. What was said was profound. Consider this statement
You may be asking, "What does all this have to do with play?" Well, it has a lot to do with play. Physical play is the best medicine for the lack of
Dancing is only one source of play. Consider joining a hiking club, a bicycling club, or a running club. They all have activities for beginners. If that
Get involved and go play because...we don't live in a world by ourselves!
Debra Seeck
Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Summer Delights
It is one hot day here in Salem Oregon and sounds to be even more spicy hot tomorrow. As I sit here cooling off after a fabulous workout and a very cold shower that felt amazing (but only served to cool me while I was immersed in it) my thoughts are drifting to you and I’m realizing I’ve not posted in a bit so…
Inquiring minds want to know:
What do you love about summer? You needn’t filter your thoughts as I am not looking for anything specific. I’m simply interested in the first thoughts that pop into your mind at the asking of this question. It could be that you have memories that revisit you in the summer season. It may be that you have certain beloved activities that tend to lend themselves to the sunny temps of the summer months. It could be that you have a special vacation spot that you go to in the summer. Whatever your thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Just drop me a line at
and share your favorite thing/things about summer.
I will pick my one or two top picks from these entries to put in the Aug Leading Ladies E-zine and would be happy to include your name, a two to three sentence bio and a link to your web site (or your email address), if yours’ gets chosen for publication.
Wanna play???
Just send me your answer (1-3 paragraphs is perfect) and don’t forget your name, bio, website URL or email address. Please paste all info into the body of your email (no attachments please) and put the words “Favorite Thing(s) About Summer” in the subject field. It’s as easy as that!
To get your juices flowing I’ll start…
My new favorite thing to do in summer is to plan several months prior to summer for a wonderful, romantic stay in a B&B for my Hubby and myself. Our anniversary is July 3rd and we started this tradition two years ago on our Honeymoon (so we just returned from our 3rd one and it was soooo lovely).
Out of those three stays I am left raving about two of them, so in case you’re ever looking for a magnificent place to stay in Oregon sometime, the B&B’s we most love so far are:
Portland OR
White House
Bend OR
Besides this fun adventure in summer my other favorite thing to do is swim (especially in natural bodies of water such as lakes and rivers—Yummy!)
Can’t wait to hear about your summer delights!
With love,
Coach Angel