Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hug o War

Good Day Fabulous Leading Ladies!

I’m in the middle of a project so I’ll make this quick, but I simply couldn’t help but share this wonderful little poem I just found.

Here’s to you and the best form of War…

Hug O War

I will not play at tug o war,
I’d rather play at hug o war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.

Hug o War

Celebrating each of you amazing women as ever,
Coach Angel

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Do you love what you see when you look in the mirror?

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies,

This morning I was reminded of an up-coming day to celebrate our beautiful, imperfect, diverse, magnificent female bodies and I encourage each of us to find a way to take part in the celebration.

Here's a little clip on it...

Hollywood and the fashion, cosmetics and diet industries work hard to make each of us believe that our bodies are unacceptable and need constant improvement.
Print ads and television commercials reduce us to body parts — lips, legs, breasts — airbrushed and touched up to meet impossible standards. TV shows tell
women and teenage girls that cosmetic surgery is good for self-esteem. Is it any wonder that 80% of U.S. women are dissatisfied with their appearance?

Women and girls spend billions of dollars every year on cosmetics, fashion, magazines and diet aids. These industries can't use negative images to sell
their products without our assistance.

Together, we can fight back.

Love Your Body Day 2007 is October 18

To learn more and find resources for sharing this day with others visit:

Here's to you and all women everywhere!
With tons of love,
Coach Angel

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

To You, the Dance and a Magnificent Future

Happy Wednesday Leading Ladies!

As you may have noticed, August has been one busy month (I’m just getting a chance to post here and our beloved “Fit To Play Wednesday” coach, Debra, has taken some well deserved time off too). I’m sure you have also found that work, life and hopefully a good dose of play, have made August simply dance by for you as well. I hope you are having the time of your life and making every day, every minute count!

I’m sending ever so much love your way!

Here are my current musings/offerings for today’s post

It’s going to be a rather hot one here in Salem Oregon today (mid 90’s), but now that we have our blessed heat pump/air conditioner installed, I’m looking forward to only being in the heat when I want to be today…what a wonderful thought!

As I consider this, I am reminded of other aspects of our lives where we have the power to invest in changes that allow us to minimize or eliminate the possibility of encountering situations we don’t like or want in our lives. In coaching these things are called “tolerations” (as many of you, particularly my coaching clients, know already).

The parallel is a simple one. In this case, my Hubby and I made a decision to invest in our home’s new capacity for heating and cooling (and not a small investment), which now affords me a magnificent work and living environment (while offering me a choice to bask in the sun and heat when I wish as well). In the same way, we each have opportunities to look around our lives right now and consider what we either want, or no longer want, present in our environment, practices or experiences. “

In this light I offer the following questions and challenges for your consideration…

What are you currently “tolerating?”
(For now just think of one thing/issue situation)

What do you want to experience?

What will it take to get there?
(What do you need to do, stop doing, or do differently to insure the result you’re looking for?)

Once you’ve answered these questions, you are equipped with the tools you need to begin the investment in your most perfect future. Begin investing/taking action today and fill your world with opportunities, choices, freedom and abundance! It’s your magnificent future in the making spectacular Leading Lady—why not make it expansive and beautiful beyond your wildest imaginations?

Here’s to you and the precious gift you are to yourself, to me and to all who have the privilege of being in your life!

Love and abundance to you!

Coach Angel

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Creating Our Own Reality

Hello Magnificent Leading Ladies,

Well, it’s another sunny day here in Salem Oregon and I’m delighted to say that we are currently having a new water heater and heat pump/air conditioning installed…it will be all done by tomorrow evening and we can’t wait to fire up the AC and get our house the fabulous 68 degrees that my Hubby and I both love.

For now, the sounds of our work crew and the unexpected/additional noise of work crews/heavy machinery out front replacing the sewer pipes all down our street is well…let’s just say…less than peaceful.

So as I work in my home office today, I am constantly mindful of my own power to create my reality. My natural response to this noise and chaos is stress and anxiety but my conscious, purposeful choice is to breathe deeply, smile and work in gratitude—knowing that each of these seeming distractions will be gifting me with more reliable plumbing/sewage disposal (in fact this will be true for my neighbors as well), more efficient means of heating our water, more efficient heating of our home in the winter and the blessed cool of the AC! Awe, that drill running right outside my office right now is simply music to my ears.

Challenge/gift of the day:
As you sit reading this blog, I challenge you to take note of your current environment and note your natural response to the variables that are taking place around you. If your responses are all positive than bask in the glory of being in such a beautiful space. If you have natural negative responses to any aspects of your surrounding, I challenge you to find the gift in them by exploring...

Is the variable something
* You can change?
If so, this is a gift because you are now very aware of the fact that it’s something you don’t like and you have the power to change it. When would you like to make this change? Schedule the time and make it so my friend.

* You can appreciate the need/value of?
If so, this is a wonderful time to take note of the reasons you appreciate this aspect of your environment. What does it now, or will it in time, gift you? How fabulous is that?!

* You don’t care to or can’t change?
If so, this is a perfect time to begin a practice of “allowing” this to be what it is and bask in the gratitude you have for all of the other aspects of your environment, situation and life.

In this spirit of loving what is and creating our most beloved reality I leave you with this thought.

“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” - John Lubbock

With love,
Coach Angel

Fit to Play: Back in the Saddle

For the past blogs, I made sure I had something written so when it came time to post something new, I was prepared. This morning, you're getting me directly from the heart...I need a tooshy tune-up!

I did something yesterday I have avoided for over ten (10) years. I went for a bicycle ride. Avoid may be the wrong word. I didn't bicycle by intention. In 1986 and in 1994, I collided with a car while riding my bicycle. On both occasions, the driver of the vehicle failed to see me and turned in front of me, crossing my lane and too close for me to stop in advance. Without getting into further details, I felt blessed that I survived through both, the second relatively unscathed. However, I decided I didn't want to experience "third time's a charm," so I stayed off my bike.

Recently, I was reunited with an old work associate. Yesterday, she invited me on a bicycle ride and said, "Don't worry, there are no cars where we're riding." I decided to trust her (and she was mostly right - very few cars). To my amazement, we rode 30 miles! Out of the block, I rode 30 miles!

I accredit the physical capabilities that got me through those 30 miles to the love of play and dance. I do not participate in a regimented exercise program. I do not belong to a gym. I simply play and dance (which to me is play, too). Some source of play usually happens every other day for me; a walk, jumping on my pogoball, playing tag with the neighbor kids, dancing, hiking, creek swimming, stretching while watching "So You Think You Can Dance," and dancing again.

There is one confession, though. No other play affected my behind like the seat of my bike did!!! OUCH! It was great being "back in the saddle," and I'll be there again soon.

Play, love, dance, live, and do it all again!

Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fit to Play: "Cross Training for the 20th Century"

I recently read, "Play is cross training for the 20th century. The idea that you can improve fitness through play is unquestionable." The article went on to say that participating in different activities that may be physically challenging yet offer safe ranges of motion can prevent BOREDOM!

I knew that. I recently had a wonderful friend, Johnny, visit me from Lafayette, Louisiana. He's an active person and stays fit. I took him on a grand tour of Oregon where elevation gain is inevitable. We hiked to the top of Multnomah Falls, the 2nd tallest waterfall in the United States. We climbed sand hill in Pacific City. One step up is a half step backwards. We went creek hiking in the middle fork of the Santiam River where the water is cold, the rocks are hard and the current is swift. And, we danced for hours.

He wrote to me upon his return home claiming he was exhausted, his calves were aching but he was so happy that he pushed himself because it was "sooo much fun." This is one of the best testimonials to the benefits of play. Johnny and I connected with our environment through play. We participated in different activities, ones that were adventurous and took Johnny out of his comfort zone . We played hard and loved every minute of it.

We were cross training without even knowing it. Our activities were so much fun, we didn't care how exhausted we were at the end of the day. And, we were never bored. Johnny said he'd remember this trip for a long time. So will I.

What is your cross training plan? Go out and play!

Debra Seeck
Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fit to Play: "We Don't Live in a World By Ourselves."

Human beings are social animals. Interaction with others is important to our disposition; our physical and emotional well being. The lack of human interaction can cause an imbalance in our lives.

I recently listened to an interview of two famous dancers. What was said was profound. Consider this statement from that interview. "The other thing about dance I very much like is the interaction with my partner. I find that it really helps blend and balance me as a person because it's something I don't do all the time, but it's something that is very good to know because we don't live in the world by ourselves."

You may be asking, "What does all this have to do with play?" Well, it has a lot to do with play. Physical play is the best medicine for the lack of relationships in our lives. Play, in general, helps "blend and balance" a person. Play fosters interaction. It fosters socialization and fosters the sense of well being.

Dancing is only one source of play. Consider joining a hiking club, a bicycling club, or a running club. They all have activities for beginners. If that doesn't interest you, sign up for the summer softball league, consider taking tennis lessons or learn to ride a horse. Consult with your local city recreational department, the Chamber of Commerce or the local Y's for a list of group activities.

Get involved and go play because...we don't live in a world by ourselves!

Debra Seeck
Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Summer Delights

Hello Beautiful Leading Ladies!

It is one hot day here in Salem Oregon and sounds to be even more spicy hot tomorrow. As I sit here cooling off after a fabulous workout and a very cold shower that felt amazing (but only served to cool me while I was immersed in it) my thoughts are drifting to you and I’m realizing I’ve not posted in a bit so…

Inquiring minds want to know:
What do you love about summer? You needn’t filter your thoughts as I am not looking for anything specific. I’m simply interested in the first thoughts that pop into your mind at the asking of this question. It could be that you have memories that revisit you in the summer season. It may be that you have certain beloved activities that tend to lend themselves to the sunny temps of the summer months. It could be that you have a special vacation spot that you go to in the summer. Whatever your thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Just drop me a line at
and share your favorite thing/things about summer.

I will pick my one or two top picks from these entries to put in the Aug Leading Ladies E-zine and would be happy to include your name, a two to three sentence bio and a link to your web site (or your email address), if yours’ gets chosen for publication.

Wanna play???

Just send me your answer (1-3 paragraphs is perfect) and don’t forget your name, bio, website URL or email address. Please paste all info into the body of your email (no attachments please) and put the words “Favorite Thing(s) About Summer” in the subject field. It’s as easy as that!

To get your juices flowing I’ll start…
My new favorite thing to do in summer is to plan several months prior to summer for a wonderful, romantic stay in a B&B for my Hubby and myself. Our anniversary is July 3rd and we started this tradition two years ago on our Honeymoon (so we just returned from our 3rd one and it was soooo lovely).
Out of those three stays I am left raving about two of them, so in case you’re ever looking for a magnificent place to stay in Oregon sometime, the B&B’s we most love so far are:
Portland OR
White House

Bend OR

Besides this fun adventure in summer my other favorite thing to do is swim (especially in natural bodies of water such as lakes and rivers—Yummy!)

Can’t wait to hear about your summer delights!

With love,
Coach Angel

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fit to Play:: The Fountain of Youth

I don’t think this is news for you but I am 50 years old. Recently, as within the past month, and on separate occasions, individuals have believed me to be 35. That is a great compliment.

Though I formed Fit to Play as a resource for individuals to create the Adult Recess they desire and fill it with fun and giggles, my recess’ fun and giggles come from dancing. I love to swing dance; West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Balboa, Shag and Lindy Hop plus many other forms of dance.

One of the creators of the Lindy Hop is Frankie Manning. You can see Frankie on He said in a 1997 interview at the age of 81, “Dancing keeps me young and for anyone out there who’s not dancing, better start.” Frankie is now 92 years old. He still dances and he still teaches the Lindy Hop.

The majority of Lindy Hoppers where I live are in the 20s and 30s and I can keep up with them. I find dancing to be one of the best sources of exercise, a fabulous social outlet and the never ending fountain of youth. No creams, potions or pills to turn back the clock for me – just dancing.

Have I convinced anyone to start dancing if you haven’t already? Get in on one of the best “fountains of youth,” – Learn to dance!

Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach
Fit to Play and Mz Jitterbug debra@mzjitterbug

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fit to Play: The Camera Buddy

Have you ever had that moment, or moments, in your life where you just wish someone else would do it for you, whatever “it” is. You know, that time when you just need something or someone to give you that extra boost of motivation. Often, that moment is when you know it’s time to exercise. And, yes, even I have had those moments.

I created a “buddy system” to help me stand up and move. My “buddies” are many. One of them is my camera. Now, for those of you who never thought a camera would be a great compliment to an exercise program, please think again. Digital cameras can capture the best of your steps, whether you are out for a walk in the neighborhood or a hike in the mountains or along the beach, lake or stream.

My camera loves flowers and feet and cloud formations and smiles and hands and trees and…get the picture? (No pun intended!) Best of all, it keeps me moving. I can walk the same sidewalk route every other day and still find opportunities for another shot. This time of year it is fun to look for butterflies or bees in amongst the flowers.

I can hear it now. Yes, the camera will interrupt your walking pace. That's okay. If your camera will get you out and about, up and moving, down and around the neighborhood, you should pat it on the lens and shout, “To digital and beyond!”

Here’s to my Camera Buddy!

Debra Seeck

Friday, June 15, 2007

Here's to Graduates

Happy Friday Incredible Leading Ladies!

Today I have my mind all wrapped up in feelings of nostalgia and thoughts about the power of completions, closures and new beginnings. Gene’s daughter Hillary is graduating with her B.S. degree on Sunday and we’re throwing a little party for her tomorrow. So this weekend is all about Hillary—what could be wrong with that? Especially if you’re Hillary!

Here’s to you Hillary—We’re sooo proud of you!!!

As you can see, we’re really looking forward to celebrating with her and since my thoughts are swirling around graduation, celebration and transitions I wanted to take a moment to celebrate with you too!

If you are a graduate or know one I offer these quotes in a toast to the perfect present (enjoy every moment, you never get this exact one ever again)and the powerful possibilities of the future (you are the Creator—make your masterpiece!)…

“I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known.”
- Author Unknown

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the
safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

Have an amazing weekend and…

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
- Confucius

With love,
Coach Angel

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fit to Play: Use the TV Commercial Break as Your "Get Up & Move Break"

Time is a commodity just like the air. It is perpetual and plentiful. Yet, we always seem to run out of time, often when it comes to activities for our health.

I was given an assignment in college to sit and watch a half hour news program. During the watching, I was to record the type of story and the length of each story. I was also to record the length of the commercials included in the half hour. This was a public relations class and the assignment dealt with the issue of what we, the public, need to know. My reporting in class was the amount of time during the half hour that provided me information that I believed I needed to know. The result – not much!

So where is this going, you ask? An interesting note and I am sure many of you already know this, is the amount of commercial time in that half hour was rather ridiculous; something close to 11 minutes.

Now let’s consider your favorite one hour television program. If a half hour program holds as much as 11 minutes of commercial time, one can assume an hour program will consume about 20 minutes worth of commercial time. In my opinion, without actually sitting, watching and counting the minutes, it would not surprise me that there are closer to 25 minutes of commercial time in a one hour television program.

For those of you who cannot find the time to exercise, I offer the following. During every commercial break of your favorite television show, "Get Up & Move". For example, during the first commercial break, perform 20 sit ups and then dance; the second you could perform 10 push ups and then dance; the third, do 20 knee lifts and dance; the fourth, jog in place or just dance. I suggest getting the family involved. See who can giggle the most during one of the commercial breaks. Just start laughing and laugh until the break is over (as if you can turn off laughing like a light switch)!

Imagine the change in your fitness level if you did this every day. Remember, your fitness regime does not have to happen in one lump sum of time. Use any commercial break as your “Get up and Move” Break!

Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness & Dance Coach

Friday, June 8, 2007

Special announcement: workshop for Leading Ladies- Aug 9 in Portland OR

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies!

Just wanted to be sure all of our local Leading Ladies know about this--I'd love to see you there if you're able...

Workshop Title:
Lifelines Every Leader Needs in Her Rescue Kit- Strategies and Tools for Natural Born Leaders
New Renaissance, Portland OR
Thursday, August 9, 7-8:30 pm
$12 PP


Are you one of those people to whom your friends, clients and colleagues turn to for a listening ear, comfort and support? Do you find yourself being drained
by the needs and personal experiences of your clients and/or friends? Would you like to find your own soft place to land for a while where you can relax and discover new ways of taking care of you, so that you can be masterful in your roles as care-taker, mentor, confidant, coach and/or friend?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this workshop is one you won’t want to miss!

Come join us and discover:

* Signs and symptoms of burnout
* Untapped internal and external resources at our disposal for burn-out recovery
*Creative, sustainable and masterful self-care strategies and tools
***How to “thrive” not just “survive as natural born Leaders!

About Angel:
Angel Hale is a highly intuitive life coach, motivational speaker, author and
the founder of Leading Ladies: Celebrating and Supporting Natural Born Leaders.
To learn more about Angel visit:

To register for this workshop go to:

If you are registering closer than 48 hours before an event, please call the store to register:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Have an amazing weekend!

With Love,
Coach Angel

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fit To Play

Excerpt from “Play in Unison” by Debra Seeck

“The breathe. The pulse. The heart beat….Body rhythms.

We were all born to dance.”

I was fortunate to be born into a Midwest German farm community where dancing was just part of the culture. Okay, yes, it was Polka music and dancing. But, we danced, all 600 of us. The only qualification was you must be at a walking age to be on the dance floor. I was probably three. I remember my first “dance” was being able to run across the wooden dance floor and slide without running into a couple dancing the Two-step, the Waltz, the Foxtrot or the Polka. Actually, I stayed out of the way when the Polka was danced. It was faster and my timing was usually a bit off. A collision with a German couple dancing was unacceptable and had unpleasant consequences, “Don’t Ya Know!”

The Polka band accordion player had a lisp. My sister and I, along with my dad, still try to talk like him. Oh, it is so not right to mock him. The reality is we loved him. He was the one who kept our family dancing and together. He sang his heart out; he did, while playing the piano note accordion to the ohm-pa-pa of the drum beat behind him. His music generated the movement on the dance floor. And, it was beautiful.”

There, I’ve told you a little bit about me. But there is so much more to being a farm girl. I had the fortune as a child of playing Tag in the barn and Hide & Go Seek at night with my siblings and cousins. And, of course, we spent hours running to catch the fireflies to make our “bug lantern.”

Childhood games! Lucky for me, the games haven’t ended. At the age of 50, I still play Tag and Hide & Go Seek. The giggles are the most precious of the games.

So, how about you? Do you still play Tag and Hide & Go Seek? When was the last time those of you in the Midwest made a “bug lantern?” Imagine organizing an adult outing of any one of those games. The fun could be immense…just as immense as the energy exertion… but without the structure and the doldrums of a formal workout. Give it a go! The Adult Recess – plan one today!

Debra Seeck

For a full copy of "Play in Unison" send a request to me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 6th Webcast Using a Coach to Achieve Your Goals in Business And in Life”

Hello Incredible Leading Ladies!

If you haven't heard yet, I'll be the guest for the WECAI webcast tomorrow--I'd love to see you there if you are able! Here is the announcement and information about logging in...

• Wednesday June 6, 2007 12 Noon Eastern Daylight Time - “Using a Coach to Achieve Your Goals in Business … And in Life” With Angel Hale of
- Angel Hale is a Masterful Life Coach and acclaimed Motivational Speaker. She lost her vision in 1986 but that didn’t stop her from creating and living
a life that exceeds even her own wildest aspirations! Angel’s degree is in Social Psychology (Systems Theory), with emphasis on Program Design and Facilitation.
Her Coaching training and expertise have been and continue to be developed through a variety of professional trainings, though her primary coach education
comes via CoachU. She spent many years in customer service professions where she won numerous customer service awards and has been actively coaching since

Angel’s engaging style, exceptional expertise and professional acumen has made her a highly sought after Personal Coach and the Keynote Speaker/Trainer
of choice for numerous public and private agencies, groups, and organizations. She is Founder and President of two professional organizations: ACCES:
Angel’s Consulting, Coaching and Education Services (
; and Leading Ladies, Celebrating and Supporting Natural Born Leaders (

To join us for this Webinar, all you have to do is download the conference room at
Once you do so, you don't have to download again (if you save it to your desktop) - Do not login as the moderator or you will not be able to get in the
room. This conference room is currently only available to PC users - we are looking into a Mac compatible platform and will announce our new room in the
next week or so.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fit To Play Wednesday: Dance for Heart's Sake

Have you heard the phrase, "Dance like no one is watching." Consider the following information to inspire you to do just that.

(Excerpt from an Associated Press article titled, "Prescription: Dance for Heart's Sake.")

"CHICAGO, IL : Italian researchers have come up with a novel way for cardiac rehabilitation patients to exercise their damaged hearts without having to squeeze into spandex or gyrate in a gym: waltzing.

The dance proved to be just as effective as bicycle and treadmill training for improving exercise capacity in a study of 110 heart failure patients. Dancers also reported slightly more improvement in sleep, mood, and the ability to do hobbies, do housework and have sex than the others."

If you're not interested in learning the waltz, try east coast swing or salsa or the two-step. Imagine your playground filled with music and dance. Then jump in and enjoy!

Debra Seeck, Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New fun for our Leading Ladies: Fit To Play!

Hello Incredible Leading Ladies!

Well it’s time to bless you with another new addition to Leading Ladies Lounge—now you’ll have another reason to hang out and feel the Leading Ladies love!

Starting May 30, Our very own In-Lounge Lifestyle Fitness and Dance Coach, Debra Seeck, will drop in from time to time and post a new tip or inspiration around creating, maintaining or celebrating a fitness plan that will get your fabulous body moving to the beat of your own amazing drum—a beat that Debra helps her clients find through “Fit to Play!” We think of her as the Play Goddess! You’ll see what we mean when you visit LoungeTalk and see what tidbit she has to share with you about how to create the fitness playground of your dreams.

Note: We welcome your thoughts, questions and comments so please feel free to post or email us whenever the spirit moves! You’re why Leading Ladies is here so don’t be shy.

You can reach me anytime at

Love, abundance and blessings to each of you Leading Ladies!

Coach Angel

Friday, April 20, 2007

Quote of the Day

Hello Incredible Leading Ladies!

As I conclude my work day and work week (it’s Friday, the sun is shining and play time with my hubby and my folks who are coming to stay with us this evening
are all calling), I wanted to leave you with a lovely quote to ponder over the weekend…

"It is only by following your deepest instinct that you can lead a rich life."

– Katherine Butler Hathaway

Reach deep within, find those deepest soul-deep passions, those instinctive “knowings,” and act on them. Continue creating and live the rich life you so

And if you need a little support or encouragement on the way—you know where to find me.

With immense love,
Coach Angel

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Quote of the day- With special thanks to my Sister Mikki!

My Brother Jay's incredible wife Mikki (thus my Sister) sent me an email today with a beautiful quote that is sooo fitting for all of us as Leading Ladies. So I just have to share!

Thank you Mikki--I love it!

Here it is...

"Every woman should develop the kinds of bonds that will allow her to know she has someone she can count on. Someone who will give her the best advice, even
if it is unpleasant. Someone who will expect the most from her...and someone with whom she can celebrate life."
Maya Angelou.

Much love to each of you!
Coach Angel

Angel/Leading Ladies highlighted in the WECAI E-zine

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies!

I/Leading Ladies was recently highlighted in the E-zine of
as their E-Monday Woman. In fun and celebration I have posted it below

Also, please don’t hesitate to let me know if you, Leading Lady, are highlighted in a publication or on the news (I love hearing about you and celebrating with you!)
Just drop me an email at: and tell me all about it!

Here’s the E-Monday Woman piece …

eMonday Woman

This week's interview is with Angel C. Hale

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hmmm, people say I am an "Old Soul," and that does resonate with me though if I am, I'm an Old Soul who loves to play (I would imagine the two go naturally hand-in-hand. In actual years in this body, I am 34-years-old and I've been a personal/life coach since way before I new what to call it. My passions are motivating people, enriching the world one life at time, being connected and connecting people to one another, finding joy and beauty where ever I can and did I mention-Play, Play, Play!

In reference to my current Life's Work: I have, rather recently, discovered that I have a "niche market" that I hadn't even been aware of having. In short, I realized that I have been and am attracting clients who are "Natural Born Leaders," - Leading Ladies as I have lovingly dubbed them.
These women, like me, are those who find themselves regularly called upon to support, encourage and nurture others. I can't even express how tremendous it was to become aware of the population I have been serving all this time!
Now I even have a website that celebrates and supports these incredible
women. It has been and continues to be an amazing journey!

2. What would you say is your "claim to fame"

Well, anyone who has spent time around me would likely say my clamed to fame is my laugh. I laugh a lot and am told it's infectious-and far reaching if you know what I mean. When I ask, "am I too loud," I hear things like "No-just right loud." So that's good at least. J

But since that isn't likely what you're asking, I would venture that my true claim to fame is Leading Ladies-it is resonating so profoundly with so many women and I am delighting in watching it grow into a powerful and transformative community.

3. What do you enjoy most about your profession?

The people-I love my clients! I feel so blessed to work with the coaching clients that are attracted to me and honored to touch lives of audiences who have me come speak to them and spend time with them. Yep, it's the people I love most in my profession!

4. What are some of the trends you are noticing in your profession/industry?

I am noticing that women who are natural leaders (mothers, sisters, CEO's, managers, friends), are not just naturally depleted, but ready to acknowledge their depletion. They are truly ready to absorb and apply tools/resources that build and nurture their bodies, minds and spirits. It seems that books and messages out there like "The Secret," are "awakening"
this market and many other markets, to the understanding that we can truly create/live full, joyful and abundant lives. This is a wonderful time for coaches and others in the helping professions to be active in insuring that the power of attraction stays alive and thriving in our own lives and in the lives and experiences of those we serve.

5. From where do you draw inspiration?

I draw inspiration from virtually everywhere and everyone I meet (my clients, my experiences, my ability to breathe and live in the moment).
Though my true and abiding inspiration comes from loved ones (my parents, grandparents friends and just too many other people to mention here). First and foremost my inspiration undeniably comes from my soul mate/husband Gene Newton, who is not only my Love and best friend, but he is also my editor ( for just about every piece I publish) and my "softest place to land."

Really, it seems I'm inspired everywhere I turn.

6. What one thing would you like to learn this year?

How to publish a book successfully. I'm working on my first book right now and can't wait to experience the process of finding just the right publisher. Yet another adventure!

7. What are your personal/professional goals for the next 6 months, year?

One: To publish my first book

Two: To bless the lives of twice as many people as I did last year (via coaching, speaking and just living)(this has the added bonus of gifting myself with twice as many people to learn from and grow with-I love that part too}

Three: To host the first of many Leading Ladies retreats and revitalize, nurture and bless the socks off of every Leading Lady who attends

8. What do you like to do for recreation?

Tandem biking with my Sweetie; read books of all kinds; sing; swim; be in nature doing just about anything; dance (usually to modern blues with my guy); and the list could go on.

9. What book(s) are on your nightstand?

O goodness-between the books Gene and I reading together and my own books.
The Secret (of course), Love's Executioner (sounds awful but love this work and the authors authenticity), The Power of Now, Choosing Your Own Greatness (old Wayne Dyer material), and a few others that are in the drawer of the nightstand waiting there turns.

I/we tend to read books of our choice depending on our needs/moods (so obviously variety is paramount).

10. What is the one thing you would like readers to know about you? About your company?

I simply want everyone reading this to feel incredibly welcome at it is a place designed not just for our fabulous Leading Ladies, "Natural Born Leaders," but for all who love and want to bless the Leading Ladies who have nurtured, support and encourage them along
their path.

I warmly invite each and every one of you, WECAI members, to come visit us and enjoy the magic of Leading Ladies: Celebrating and Supporting Natural Born Leaders.

Come lounge at the lounge--Renew, Revitalize and Relax.
Can't wait to see you there!

With love,
Coach Angel

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Leading Ladies current update, invite and quote of the day

Greetings Fabulous Leading Ladies!

Well, since we’ve now got the last few kinks worked out and is standing proud and tall, I thought it would be good to let you know…

“Leading Ladies Music Mezzanine”
(located in the Leading Ladies Lifestyle Center), is now open for business and sample music is posted for your listening pleasure!

While LLL will continue to grow and evolve based on our own plans and your feedback, this is a wonderful time to take another look around LeadingLadiesLounge and see what you might have missed before (some of which was likely not present or complete when you last wandered through).

Then, please do visit our
“Feedback” page
and let us know what you think.

In light of our own beautiful growing pangs here at Leading Ladies and all of the wonder and richness that is to come I leave you with this quote for today…

"The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be
half so wonderful if there were no valleys to traverse."
– Helen Keller

With love,
Coach Angel

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Leading Ladies Announcement/Updates

Hello Again Leading Ladies and All Who Love Our Leading Ladies!

Just a quick post to keep you informed …

Technical Announcement:
We are still working through a few glitches in our wed site and thank you so much for your love and support while we get the last few kinks worked out.

Even so, we have recently added some new, fun resources you won’t want to miss, so be sure to keep coming back and seeing what we have for you!

A few of our Recent Additions:

One example of something that was added just this week…
You can now get a taste of what is to come in our Rejuvenation Station—so come, visit the Station, kick off your shoes and try out our first sample Relaxation Room (complements of Gene A. Newton).

Leading Ladies Apparel and Gift shop (found in the Leading Ladies Lifestyle Center):
We’re still adding new items here too, but now offer more than just our fun Logo and tag (Celebrating and Supporting Natural Born Leaders).

Now available: products with-
“Leading Lady and Lovin’ it!
“Leading Lady in Training” (for our little potential Leading Ladies)!

Come on in, find something wonderful for yourself or someone you want to bless and tell us what you think.

Sending much love out to each and every one of you!
Coach Angel

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In Celebration of You--Leading Ladies

Hello Fabulous Leading Ladies!

It’s incredible but true--Leading Ladies is now rolling! Leading Ladies are finding a new home and joining our family! It’s soooo exciting to witness!

As I stand here at my computer this Wednesday morning (yep standing—I have a raised station so I don’t have to sit), I am fill to the brim with so many thoughts and emotions. The sum of these emotions is and sense of lightness, almost magical lightness. I suppose the best way to explain this is to say it feels like I’ve been carrying around a big, no HUGE, beautiful package (wrapped magnificently with a big bow on top) and people have asked, “what’s that?” and “when can we see it?” and all matter of questions. That’s a truly fun place to be, but goodness was it ever heavy and like a parent or loved-one that has purchased an amazing gift way before the “gifting day,” I have sooooo wanted to break it open and share it. Well, this is the long way of saying—the time finally came for me to set it down, allow the wrapping to be stripped away and the contents of my gift, Leading Ladies, was only recently revealed!

The response has delighted me to my very core. I am light with the knowledge that gift is now released to bless, to grow, to change and re-gifted in so many more ways than I can even imagine right now. I am light with gratitude, possibility and an even deeper sense of connectedness.

When I feel love and gratitude, I simply can’t contain it, so I had to let you know. I so do feel love and gratitude for each and every one of you, Leading Ladies and those who love and want to support our Leading Ladies! If you are reading this—I’m talking to you! So thank you ever so much for hearing the call, finding this place, and joining us!

In this spirit, throughout the month of March, I would love to hear from you! You are welcome to post here or send an email to me ( What were your first thoughts/feelings when you discovered Leading Ladies ( How do you envision Leading Ladies supporting you or blessing Leading Ladies you know (either in the present or your future thoughts/wishes)? Finally, for fun—what is your favorite quote (or just your favorite one right now)?

Can’t wait hear from each of you!

I sign off in love with my favorite quote (today!)…

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” ~ Mother Teresa

Coach Angel
“Angel on Your Side”
A soft place to land for women who are natural Born Leaders

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Welcome to Lounge Talk" Leading Ladies!

Hello Leading Ladies and all who treasure our incredible Women Leaders!
Since this is our first post to Lounge Talk, we mostly just want to say how delighted we are to have you in our Leading Ladies family. We invite you to come back often to: read about the experiences of your peers, share your own experiences as a Natural Born Leader, hear from our in-Lounge Coach, and learn about the most current and up-coming happenings a the Lounge.

In the mean time, we invite you to Check out where we are in the development of Leading Ladies Lounge and subscribe to our updates and E-zine by visiting:

Here’s to you Leading Ladies and all who love our Leading Ladies!

With love,
Coach Angel